Page name: wolf pics [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-06-20 18:26:41
Last author: Bobby Bro
Owner: shadow frost wolf
# of watchers: 3
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D20: 7
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this is the spare space for all wolf pics to go

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2007-07-08 [Shinju_Rorain]: CUTE!!!!!! WOLFIES!!!

2007-07-08 [shadow frost wolf]: i didnt know anybody noticed this place ^^

2007-07-09 [Bobby Bro]: I put the bloody one up!

2007-07-09 [shadow frost wolf]: so that makes three ^^

2007-07-09 [Bobby Bro]: Bloody blood blood.

2007-07-09 [shadow frost wolf]: cats?

2007-07-09 [Bobby Bro]: Meow.

2007-07-10 [shadow frost wolf]: *shank!!!*

2007-07-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: *sneaks up on Caita and Kuro.* *pokes them in their sides* ha ha! ^.^

2007-07-12 [shadow frost wolf]: it burns!!!!! *tips over*

2007-07-16 [~Spirit Fox~]: yay.

2007-07-17 [Bobby Bro]: It shalt not burn me, anymore.

2007-07-17 [~Spirit Fox~]: aw... your no fun.

2007-07-19 [shadow frost wolf]: and as such the raven arrives like so many have done before.....

2007-11-17 [The Dark Wolf]: the white wolf covered in the blood of it's prey is breath taking! i love it!

2007-11-17 [~Spirit Fox~]: of course, it shows the wolf in a more natural fourm.

2007-11-17 [shadow frost wolf]: we need more, but i cant find any real good ones

2007-11-17 [~Spirit Fox~]: Type anime Wolves into ask jeeves and see what pops up....

2007-11-19 [shadow frost wolf]: good idea old chap ^^

2008-01-10 [Shinju_Rorain]: Woot!! WOLF!!!!!!!

2008-01-11 [shadow frost wolf]: Pearls!

2008-01-26 [Lady Arrianya]: jam out!

2008-01-26 [shadow frost wolf]: i know sombody who can draw us lots of pics ^_^

2008-01-26 [Lady Arrianya]: ooh....that would be good....very good ^^

2008-01-30 [shadow frost wolf]: she's on Deviant Art, i can ask for her permission ^^

2008-01-30 [Lady Arrianya]: pls do

2008-02-02 [shadow frost wolf]: ok

2008-02-04 [Bobby Bro]: "Hey, Keita... this is it.. we fight." Bobby smiled toward her. "But first..." Bobby's eyes darkened, and his hair grew in length, and turned silver.

2008-02-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Gah! Bobby person! You'er interupting their conversaition!", she growls.

2008-02-05 [Bobby Bro]: "Does it look like I care?" His smile faded.

2008-02-05 [Lady Arrianya]: "Quit bickering like 2 year olds." Anya tells the pair.

2008-02-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta laughs, "And I thought you'd changed, Ii'm glad to see your still the same.", she focuses on Anya for a brief moment, "You may call me childinsh all you want, I have no intrest in what anyone thinks of me, but fighting him is fun, even if he wants to fight Caita alittle more.", she looks at Caita, "If you want, I'll switch out. Afterall, if we can't kill each other, there's really not much point."

2008-02-06 [Lady Arrianya]: Anya looked back.  "I care not then. Sorry that I so mistook intentions." Anya stared down at her feet, wondering if further scrutiny would be forthcoming.

2008-02-08 [Bobby Bro]: "Be ready... here I come!" Bobby charged at her.

2008-02-08 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Kuro you moron, I was handing the fight to Caita, who isn't replying...great, looks like I might have no choice...", she dodges him, pushing off his back with her feet to escape any attacks.

2008-02-09 [Bobby Bro]: Using his newly found foot abilities, he quickly juked back, slamming his elbows into her stomach.

2008-02-09 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita wiped his eys. "What now?"

2008-02-10 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Ow...okay, well you really are pushing it...", Kieta grabs Kuro by the throat. She swings him around three times then throws him into the air. Kieta jumps up, kneeing him higher until Caita and Anya look like dots. she flips infront of him and sends a blast of light energy smashing kuro into the ground. Kieta lands, "Caita, if you don't mind, i really don't feel like fighting him, so have fun", she disappears leaving kuro to fight Caita, "No killing each other.", her words echo from all directions.

2008-02-10 [Bobby Bro]: Bobby smiles and stands up. "That one did hurt... but why did she run away?!"

2008-02-10 [~Spirit Fox~]: **I was under the impression you only wanted to fight Caita. Was I wrong?**

2008-02-12 [shadow frost wolf]: "Umm....he clearly wants to fight you, as i was not in the conversation." Caita dropped to the floor laughing.

2008-02-12 [Lady Arrianya]: Anya slowly moved toward the door, feeling sad and not wanting to make anyone else sad as well.

2008-02-12 [shadow frost wolf]: "Theres a door?"

2008-02-12 [Lady Arrianya]: "Right over there" Anya pointed across the vast space that was the grand hall.

2008-02-12 [Bobby Bro]: "C'mon Keita... fight me yo." Bobby smoothed the slight wrinkles in his suit and smiled.

2008-02-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta re-appaers, "Fine, but what's with the suit?", she pulls kamikaze from his sheath.

2008-02-12 [Bobby Bro]: Without warning, he grabs her arms and tosses her foreward, and with the speed of lightining behind him, rushed after her and headbutted her into the air. Follwing her still, he punched her smack dab in the nose, breaking it, then tossing her back towards the ground, but halfway there, he grabbed her neck with both hands and slammed her into the ground with his feet, leaping off her smiling. "Lighting Punisher..." From beneath her came a large bolt of lighting, spliting the earth as it hit her body. "Grand Combo, Epic Punisher...complete."

2008-02-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "You do realize, I've learned to reflect or abosorb lightnong right?", she stands, "Alright you can ignore me all you want, it's funner that way!", Kamikaze glows. Kieta sends a typhoon after Kuro. Once he's distracted, she rushes behind him, catching him off gaurd with a blast of light from Kamikaze's sheath.

2008-02-12 [Bobby Bro]: Bobby hits the ground, and immieaditely flips back up behind her, taking off his blazer at the same time. "Prepare... for death combo 38..." He grabs her shoulders and rams his knees into her back, then backflips slamming her into the ground yet again. Now on her back, he uses his hands to spin them, grinding her chest on the hard dirt, then flips forward taking her with him, the slam dunks her head against the ground.

2008-02-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta disappears once more, she reappears infront of Kuro, grabbing him by his throat, "Mine have few names...I don't have that much time!", she punches his head repeatedly until she breaks her own grip letting him hit the ground. Kieta follow up by imapling Kuro with Kamikaze, "Sanos, pour your light aroura into his soul!", The light aroura begins to burn kuro from the inside out.

2008-02-12 [Bobby Bro]: "You don't get it do you..." He melted into blood, and sank inot the ground. "Don't think I can't escape." He crashes out of the ground below her, grabbing her legs and throwing her into the hole he came out of, then dove after her, grabbing her head and slamming it against the tight rocky tunnel.

2008-02-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Figures...that you'd steal my lines!", Kieta reverse, trying to grappel Kuro. She swings him behind her into another rock, "Try this one!", she engulfs the feild in light using Kamikaze, above ground, as a amplifier.

2008-02-12 [Bobby Bro]: "So what?" he grabs her tight and then tosses her up, grabbing her shirt and pulling her feircly back down into his fist.

2008-02-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "So, you lost that weakness?", she grabs his fist catching it before impact, "I guess I'll have to learn your newest one, then!", Kieta pulls a gun from the strap on her thigh. She cocks it, pointing the thirteen barreled gun at Kuro, "Every element, and crystal, let's have fun! Oh, and did I forget to mention, it has a couple surprises too.", she pulls the longest of the three triggers, it fires sending bullets of light, dark, water, fire, earth, lightning, and metal energy at Kuro, the blast forces him to smash into the wall.

2008-02-12 [Bobby Bro]: Bobby smiles as blood pours from his mouth. "Whoa... what a gun... " He chuckles. "Yet... what a man your going against...."  He falls off the wall, and heads down the hole.

2008-02-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Like I can't tunnel!", she allows her claws to come out chasing after him, "Hell Fire!", she pulls the first trigger on the gun causeing a fireball to follow after Kuro.

2008-02-12 [Bobby Bro]: "Hmm... Secret Technique number 5... On fire blitz..." From all around came several different Bobbys, smacking her around and punching her several times, until the real one turns into a bolt of lighting and rips upward through the fireball and then through her, absorbing the other Bobbys and coming out of the hole.

2008-02-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "What part of, can reflect and or absorb lightning did you not hear?", She puts the gun back in it's holster. Kamikaze comes from above ground and attaches to her again. "Time to chase you down with my indestructable crystal!", A black crystal warps around (Bobby/Kuro?, whichever she's been fighting...) and covers him completely, "No way to dodge now! I got you trapped!", she tightens the crystal until Kuro's blood remians inside, Kieta fires a fireball from her hand into the crystal, which absorbs it, trying to eveapoate the blood.

2008-02-12 [Bobby Bro]: A dark portal opens next to her, and Bobby walks it. "my fourth dimension... had to get out of it somehow."

2008-02-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Not another dimension person...", Kieta growls at Caita, "And you couldn't clue me in?!", Kieta launches at Bobby again, "I should...well, I can't, can I, but at least you can't kill me either!", She forms a crystal wall behind him. Kieta pushes him into it, and closes off the area, "That's okay, I can make them!", Kieta pulls the unlucky gun from her holster and fires the elemnt into bobby's chest again.

2008-02-12 [Bobby Bro]: "Oh?!" His eyes darken and his voice deepens. "You think this can hurt me?!!!!"

2008-02-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: "You think you'er the only one who can go dark still?", Kieta's eyes become black with red pupils.

2008-02-13 [Bobby Bro]: "Excuse me... my throat was dry." His voice was normal. "now... to deal with you." He tackles her to the ground, and rips the gun from her hand and tosses it behind him. He liftes her head off the ground, and slams it back down hard; over and over until it appeased him. then he jumped off her body and laughed.

2008-02-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta's eyes go back to there normal, sapphire/silver color. "I'm beginning to wonder why you'er not using elements, is it because you want to beat me to death?...well, into submission...", She gets up and zips past Bobby grabbing her gun once more. Kieta opens a small dimention and throws it inside, locking the dimension with a seal, "I happen to like it too much to let you destroy it."

Kieta leaps at Bobby, grabbing his wrist and slinging him into the walls. She begins sealing the walls with Kauian chants.

2008-02-13 [Bobby Bro]: "Man, this is never going to end... but oh well..." He grabbed her arm, and threw her against the walls as well.

2008-02-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: "You'er telling me! Fighting's little fun, when no one dies...", she pushes off the wall, breaking his hold on her wrist, her nose healing by now, "Oh, I forgot to mention, my body has this thing where it heals faster than normal demons...but it's not that big of a deal.", she grabs his head slamming it into the wall repeatedly.

2008-02-13 [Bobby Bro]: "Yeah..but I wish that I could end it somehow..." He melts into blood quickly and wraps around her arms.

2008-02-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Your life, or mine?!", some of Kieta's crystal comes from her bloodstream and under the blood, she tries smashing him into the wall.

2008-02-14 [shadow frost wolf]: Caita floated over the two. "Having fun?"

2008-02-14 [Bobby Bro]: The blood crystalizes, immoblizing her arms.

2008-02-15 [~Spirit Fox~]: "Well, aren't you cutting into my abilities?", she snaps the crystal with her own, "Since you'er not one of us, I can break yours...unlike some other I know...", She freezes bobby's crystal blood with a blast of ice, "Running out of moves?"

2008-02-15 [Bobby Bro]: The blood heats up, melting the ice, then he forms into his human self. "Nope... but now you've caught me on my bad side... it's Valentines Day... the one other day of the year I hate... the most..." He quickly punches her to the ground and picks her back up, grabbing her legs and slamming her head into the ground. "Caita told me you were durable... and I'm here to test that..." He threw her up into the air and followed after her, punching her over and over again in the stomach. "I'll attack until your break!" He stopped punching and began kicking and kneeing her in the face and chest, powering his attacks with hot lightning and heavily ironed blood.

2008-02-15 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta reverse the lightning, "Okay, so you hate it, but is it because you'er vengfully alone?", She laughs, "What a shame you'd be bothered by such a little thing.", She grabs his throat again and holds a fireball against his head, allowing it to explode. Kieta covers herself in her crystal to reflect all the blast at Bobby. She finally opens it back up, "I'll never break, not infront of you, anyway!", She follows after his desending body throwing a series of punches for his face. She flips around behind him and begins kneeing him in the back finally knocking Bobby into the air. The appears before him and sends a blast of light energy into his chest, allowing him to crash into the ground, "I'd ask if you give, but I know the answer all to well..."

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